There are records from the past century that Banyuwedang was a royal bathing place. Not only was the hot spring water considered sacred, people believed it to be filled with healing properties. The water is enriched with sodium chloride – calcium sulphate, with a low pH level, and is extremely friendly with your skin. With a basic temperature of 46 degrees celsius, your muscles will be soothed and body tensions be released when you immerse yourself in the water. Our many Japanese guests who visit us absolutely love the hot springs, calling it “Bali Onsen”, and say the water is comparable to that of Hakone in Japan.

When you dip in, you’ll definitely feel the intense heat rushing throughout your body. Don’t fight it. Just accept it. Let the intensity take away all the thoughts you carried with you into the pool, and find yourself possessing a mind that is still; completely at peace.


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